
Sponsors Of Niger Delta Avengers Should Learn From The Mistake Of Boko Haram Sponsors And Supporters

By: Terfa Naswem

When Boko Haram was formed in 2002 by late Mohammed Yusuf, he was sponsored and supported by some yet-to-be-identified groups of people whom I strongly believe most of the sponsors never knew that the group would become what it is today. Since the current insurgency started in 2009, it has killed more than 20,000 and displaced more than 2.3 million from their homes.

When Boko Haram began their attacks on Christians and churches in North east, some groups of Muslim elites and others never saw anything wrong with Boko Haram and never bothered to criticize or make serious effort in standing against Boko Haram. Even when the group started destroying government properties, they were still silent. It was when Boko Haram started destroying properties owned by Muslims and started killing people indiscriminately regarded of whether you are a Christian or Muslims that some of the Muslim elites started condemning the group.

Even president Buhari never made any public statement condemning the actions of Boko Haram. It was because of Buhari’s silent over the issue that made some Nigerians especially those in the south to tag Buhari as a supporter of Boko Haram.

Today, the damage done in the North East by Boko Haram will take years and too much money to be rebuilt. Most of those who were initially in support of Boko Haram are seriously regretting because the group has seriously destroyed their areas that was even underdeveloped before the attacks.

Niger Delta Avengers will in the end cause Niger Delta to be a replica of what has become of the North East if the sponsors of this group don’t call their boys to order. If the Niger Delta Avengers destroy all the oil companies facilities and bring oil production to zero as published in The Nation of June 4, 2016, their fellow Niger Deltans will be the most hit. And if they engage in continual confrontation with the Nigerian troops, a worst case scenario can be expected which will lead to destruction of lives and properties and displacement of those in the areas of such attacks and confrontations.

If the NDA thinks that they are doing that to distract Buhari, they are just wasting their time because Buhari has nothing to lose. Some of those that sponsored or supported Boko Haram felt they were doing that to also distract Jonathan but in the end they ended up destroying their homes. Jonathan is alive, healthy and enjoying his wealth.

The Niger Delta Avengers and their sponsors should not make Niger Delta look like a similar situation in the North East.


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