Accept the fact that they are dying
Acceptance is the last stage of grief and the ultimate goal of the grieving process. However, before one can actualize this step acknowledgement is needed; Then you can accept the fact fully. It is also important to understand that death and the knowledge of imminent death are two separate grieving processes. If one can accept the knowledge of death first the grief associated with the actual death may be easier to manage.
Protect them from Loneliness
Death is a lonely process. There is an adage that people enter the world alone and leave the world alone. It is important to understand that imminent death is a lonely experience that very few could possibly understand. Recognize this fact and provide your loved one with the companionship and comfort that they desire.
Death is a lonely process. There is an adage that people enter the world alone and leave the world alone. It is important to understand that imminent death is a lonely experience that very few could possibly understand. Recognize this fact and provide your loved one with the companionship and comfort that they desire.
Show Them Your Love
Often times people go through life assuming that others understand the depth of their feelings towards them, but it is often unsaid. Often times these unexpressed words or gestures end up becoming unfinished business when the person passes away or moves on. Because the finality of death offers no recompense, it is important to give your ailing loved one the expression of love that is owned them. This act or gesture has the capacity of being therapeutic for both parties. Unfinished business only affects the persons who are left behind. So, be it the three little words "I love you" or knitting your loved one some clothes, expressing your love is essential.
Tend to unfinished emotional or personal business
It is important to recognize that as someone is dying grief begins to beset those who are closest to the ailing loved one. Understanding and confronting your own emotional baggage, both that which is caused by the death and the unfinished emotional/ personal business that one might have with the person, will allow you to free yourself from some of the anticipated grief that you will endure. This may require a serious conversation with your loved one or with yourself. Ultimately this will allow you to be more emotionally present and invested in you loved one's last hours.
Create a space of both Peace and Joy around them
Having a space of peace is important to the mental, physical, and emotional well-being of an ailing loved one. Knowing of your own imminent death and/ or dealing with a terminal condition is incredibly taxing. A person dealing with such issues should not have to additionally deal with stressful surroundings. A peaceful environment can be both healing and therapeutic. In addition, making sure that their surroundings are not just peaceful, but also a joyous space is important. People can have a strong sense of whether they are being managed. Feeling that people around you are "walking on egg shells" to avoid disturbing your comfort could lead you into a depressive state. True emotional wellness cannot be attained without the proper combination of both peace and joy.
It is important to recognize that as someone is dying grief begins to beset those who are closest to the ailing loved one. Understanding and confronting your own emotional baggage, both that which is caused by the death and the unfinished emotional/ personal business that one might have with the person, will allow you to free yourself from some of the anticipated grief that you will endure. This may require a serious conversation with your loved one or with yourself. Ultimately this will allow you to be more emotionally present and invested in you loved one's last hours.
Create a space of both Peace and Joy around them
Having a space of peace is important to the mental, physical, and emotional well-being of an ailing loved one. Knowing of your own imminent death and/ or dealing with a terminal condition is incredibly taxing. A person dealing with such issues should not have to additionally deal with stressful surroundings. A peaceful environment can be both healing and therapeutic. In addition, making sure that their surroundings are not just peaceful, but also a joyous space is important. People can have a strong sense of whether they are being managed. Feeling that people around you are "walking on egg shells" to avoid disturbing your comfort could lead you into a depressive state. True emotional wellness cannot be attained without the proper combination of both peace and joy.
Honour Their Last Wishes
Everyone has a bucket list or last wishes. These wishes whether they be simple or complex can represent a number of different things, as do all wishes. Sometimes they can represent a return to normalcy and can be as simple as sitting down after entering the room. Other times they can represent a dream deferred like seeming the pyramids. Whatever they be, if possible, it is better to see them fulfilled than to leave your loved one wanting in their last days.
Everyone has a bucket list or last wishes. These wishes whether they be simple or complex can represent a number of different things, as do all wishes. Sometimes they can represent a return to normalcy and can be as simple as sitting down after entering the room. Other times they can represent a dream deferred like seeming the pyramids. Whatever they be, if possible, it is better to see them fulfilled than to leave your loved one wanting in their last days.
Woow. Insightful .thanks for sharing