The long awaited year 2020 has arrived and we are happy we made it alongside you our esteemed reader. We are most grateful to the Supreme God for preserving us all through the highs and lows of the year past. We are optimistic that this New Year and new decade will be the beginning of better beginnings in your life and all your endeavours.
Now is not a time to whine or be complacent over what could have been. Now is a time to face squarely what can be and grab this fresh opportunity firmly and passionately.
Recover what you can, let go of what was lost and move on with your life. Be the good. Be the better. Be the best of what you truly strive to be.
This year make resolutions to build yourself to the best level you can. Embrace your personal and spiritual self-development. Dream big but don’t make vague unrealistic resolutions. It’s a step at a time.
Make efforts to read books – not just comics to entertain you temporarily, find books that guide you on behavior, financial freedom, self-discipline. Read books related to your niche, make efforts to attend workshops and seminars – also take advantage of free training and upgrade your skills set and knowledge base to the best version of you there can ever be. Find a life coach if you can. These things sound ambiguous but they are far much easier than they seem.
While it might not be easy to meet all the goals you set, don’t be too hard on yourself. Catch fun once in a while but be disciplined about it so you don’t get whisked away in it. We altogether wish you the best going forward.
Here’s a few starter books from my personal collection you might need to get the year started with

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