Indubitably, the systems and patterns of governance have differed from place to place but however, in most cases, the structures are strikingly more or less the same. Be it a parliamentary, a presidential or a monarchical system, there are permanent working structures of the government that aid in the day to day activities of the government. In our basic understanding of government, the Executive arm of government has always the responsibility of policy formulation and implementation of ideas of the any elected government. Governments do set up ministries, departments and agencies that would liaise with other arms of government and other parastatals in achieving its developmental plans and blueprints. These establishments would go in no mean way in lessening the burden of governance placed on the few elected executives. There duties and impact become very pivotal in the real administration of governance.
Globalisation and technological advancement have made for easy and unrestricted access to ‘information’. Through the internet, social media and other media outlets, the people access information and news at their own convenience. Sadly, this has been seriously abused due to the activities of online mongers who specialize in peddling rumours, fake news, vendetta and propaganda for selfish political, social or economic gains. This has made information management a very important aspect for any elected government or a corporate organization. This has galvanized them all over the world to establish permanent, robust and vibrant structures for effective and efficient information delivery. This has really helped in checkmating these aforementioned excesses and has provided the people with very objective and enlightened information where and when necessary.
The administration of Governor Willie Obiano since inception in 2014 has towed along this line in running the affairs of the government which has brought unprecedented success till date. Bearing in mind its cardinal four pillars of Agriculture, Oil and Gas, Trade and Commerce and Industrialization, this administration set up and ministries and government agencies using the twelve enablers of Security, Education, Health, Roads and Social Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development, Environment, Transport, Finance, Electricity, Women’s Welfare, Tourism, Youth Development and Entrepreneurship as springboards. This has brought genuine economic, social and physical development to the state and to the people. Of greatest importance to his administration is the Information Ministry which greatly publicizes the many achievements of his administrations to Anambrarians and indeed to Nigerians both at home and in diaspora.
Interestingly, since the inception of the nascent democracy in Anambra state, the Ministry charged with this responsibility of getting the people informed of the relevant happenings of the government have taken different shape and focus specifications. During its early days, the Ministry had two diverse focus namely Information and Culture. This for me, restricted effective information delivery because of the complexities and intricacies involved in Culture management. At a time, it metamorphosed into Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism and the demand got widened. The focus was on three different aspects of human life which greatly suppressed efficient information output. It was not long ago under this present administration that things were done appropriately. The Ministry of Diaspora Affairs was loaded with the responsibility of housing Indigenous Artworks, Culture and Tourism while Communication Strategy was added to the Ministry of Information hence a paradigm shift in the status quo. In a bid to further furnish and rebrand the Ministry to serve the people better in line with international best practices, the Ministry was changed to Ministry of Information and Public Enlightenment with a mandate of providing the requisite information and enlightenment on public interest initiatives of Ndi Anambra through strategic facilitations and interactions.
Currently, the Ministry of Information and Public Enlightenment of the Anambra State Government has continued to actualize its vision of providing informed enlightenment on government and public interest for ndi Anambra and other groups in the world through publication in state and national dailies, promoting awareness of government activities and engaging the relevant media outlets in their roles of partnering the government in safe information delivery. It has also lived up to her billing in the accomplishment of her mission which is centred on structuring a robust information delivery approach based on the Willie Obiano’s pillars and enablers in engaging ndi Anambra and all stakeholders towards the attainment of shared values and aspirations by liaising with other agencies of development within and outside the state on the best way forward in achieving these set down goals and providing the need enlightenment to the people n the successes so far.
As the image maker of this administration, this Ministry has strived its possible best to always present this elected government in good light through providing timely and enlightened information about the activities of the government, engaging the media houses in showcasing the laudable achievements and the various successes recorded in the different sectors of development namely education, agriculture, infrastructure, youth empowerment, trade, job creation, social and physical infrastructure, child and women welfare, health etc. It has been able to do this through the its five different departments which have been engaged in writings, publications, press releases and conferences, researches, carrying out enlightenment programmes, sensitization of the people, documentation of government activities and partnering with relevant media outlets in the state.
By the expiration of this current administration in March 2022, this Ministry will pride herself as one which has really lived up to the hype and expectations as far as information delivery and management is concerned. With the adoption of modern information delivery techniques, methods and styles, it has served not only the state government and the people but also drawn admiration and recognition from renowned media bodies and agencies all over the world. It has within this time under review changed the narratives in terms of information input and output. One will be absolutely right to regard the Ministry of Information and Public Enlightenment of Anambra State as the elegant hub of the “Light of Nation” due to her many noble antecedents.
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